Pdf Buku Politik Islam Dan
Buku tersebut dalam bentuk e-book dalam file PDF, berjudul 1- Menuju Hati Khusu’ 2- Dzikir Kunci Pembuka Jalan. 3- Musa dan Khidir (Sejarah Ilmu Laduni) Karya: Muhammad Luthfi Ghozali. Juga ada e book PDF berjudul ANAK SHOLEH, berisi Nama Anak Islami Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wr Penerbit ABSHOR Hidmah dan ibadaH Sumurrejo Gunungpati SEMARANG. Buku Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Indonesia Format PDF ini merupakan salah referensi yang baik dan benar sesuai harapan anda, bisa digunakan untuk Buku, Pdf, Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam dengan demikian file tersebut bisa memenuhi dan mengakhiri pencarian di Google.
The wave of democratization in the Middle East today has changed the political map of the region with the emergence of the power of political Islam, in the mean of political activity based on the principles of Islam both from the point of departure, the program, agenda and objectives. Nevertheless, in some countries there is still an attitude phobia against Islam. This shows the regimes efforts to return to authoritarianism or backward bending prosses as an example in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, where the military regime can return to political power. Similarly in Yemen, Ali Abdullah Salehs regime was replaced by his deputy military, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who must be driven by the separatist movement Al-Houti.
Whereas in Syria the Islamic political forces are always under attack from the regime of Bashar Al-Assad which is still in power. As for the Algerian Islamic movements like the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafiyyah, they form alliances and achieve a significant voice in the parliamentary elections in 2012 although the military regime may dominate the political life of the country. The phenomenon of the power of political Islam in Yemen, Syria, and Algeria will be the focus of this study. Keywords: Political Islam, Yemen, Syria, Algeria. Buku Al-Haj, Abdurrahman 2012. Ad-Dawah wal Jamaah, At-Tathalluat lil Jamaat Ad-Diniyyah fi Suria. Suriah: Al-Markaz At-Tawasul wa Abhats As-Stratijiyyah.
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